Black Jesus is searched for online thousands of times per day. Is Jesus Black if you apply the 1% drop of Black blood rule? Why does Jesus continue to be portrayed as white, blond and blue eyed, when there is scientific, biblical and geographic proof that he was a man, Bible - Revelation 1:14 says, the color of brass with woolly hair? Why do so many people refuse to acknowledge this truth? What does this cover up have to do with the problems of race and skin color throughout the world and especially in America, UK, South Africa, Australia, Brazil, Mexico, India, Asia, Nigeria and Cuba? Let us talk honestly. We can all debate the various shades of color that Jesus could have been. But despite the white image of Jesus that's been falsely promoted globally for centuries, Jesus, also know as Yeshua, was not white. "Black Jesus" is searched for over 950,000 times a month, so clearly others are seeking the truth. Help spread this conversation world wide, by following BlackJesuscom on Twitter. If you seek and are not afraid of the truth, lets also share info affecting people of African decent globally, on a daily basis. Since human life began in Africa, then all of humanity is of African decent. We welcome intelligent observations and opinions from all races. The internet is the modern day drum, that can send out unfiltered messages globally, but you must be willing and ready to hear. Click on the 'Proof BlackJesus" link at the upper right to discover the Black Jesus facts and find out what motivated me to launch this blog. Thanks and peace to all of God's people. Remember, God/Yahweh/Allah is always watching and God's Heaven is not segregated based on skin color and income. Acknowledging This Truth Will Set Us Free!