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March 01, 2009


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of course Jesus is black/the bible clear tell us so but white racist want to keep their supramcy up front. In slavery blacks was not aloow to read, the bible was intrepret for us. Today we have no excuse to believe in false intrepretation/and flase prophets nor false image of Jesus, because,its in the bible. Rev 1:14-15/Dan 7:9 Dan 10:6. in fact the old testament is black history those people was black


im pretty sure the monkey thing wasnt a racist comment towards obama. you can interpret it as such if you would like. but i think that was more a comment on how ridiculous the stimulus bill was as to say a monkey wrote it. meaning it was nonsense. not a racist thing. stop making everything look racist. the whole world can interpret anything as racist, but racism isnt apparent in the eyes of non-racists. they just dont see it. you read too much into everything.

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