Althought Brazil is 68% Black this statue
of white Jesus Christ was put in place in 1931
to send the implied message that God Is white.
Where ever Black slavery has existed throughout the world you see still Black people today at the bottom of the economic and social ladder still fighting the same issues regardless of the country. The strategy of the white power structure has always been to divide Black people by complexion, letting them know that if you are any shade of color other than being obviously Black you are more acceptable.
Professor Henry Louis Gates, in his excellent series Black in Latin America that's running weekly on PBS, connects the dots, and sheds light on the importance of our understanding why things are the way they are for Black people today in white dominated societies where slavery was the law of the land. And while the shakles of slavery may have disappeared, today economic and social racism remains firmly in place.
Listen To The Role That White Christianity Played In Creating And Perpetuating Slavery. The Good News Is Blacks And Latins In Many Ways Are One In The Same People.
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