Most of us heard in school in our his-story classes that Lincoln "The Great Emancipator" freed the slaves. If you take a tour of great monuments in Washington DC you are taken by the Lincoln Memorial, an imposing life size marble tribute to this 16th President of the US.
In light of Stephen Spielberg's movie "Lincoln" that is being widely promoted, it is important that the real truth about Lincoln
be revealed, since it is not taught in America's classrooms and not told in this movie to make it more palatable to white movie goers. Here is a excellent summary of the truth posted by a Black women on the NYTimes site:
I am both sadden and astonished that in this day and age such a lie is not only still be portrayed, but supported nonetheless by African Americans who do not know there own history. While Spielberg's portrayal is moving it is nothing more than a myth of the past. Any 9th grade history student can tell you that Lincoln did not free the slaves. The Emancipation Proclamation did not free all slaves in the United States. Rather, it declared free only those slaves living in states not under Union control. Freeing of slaves was not a socially conscious move but rather a strategic military ploy to win the war. In September of 1862, after the Union's victory at Antietam, Lincoln issued a preliminary decree stating that, unless the rebellious states returned to the Union by January 1, freedom would be granted to slaves within those states. Lincoln's plan was to weaken the south's financial advantage from free labor. I am not a cynic, conspiracy theorist or anything such. I am just an educated black women who knows my history and wants the same for all children. While I acknowledge the critical role Lincoln played in slavery eventual end, no matter what the motive, I however can not stand by and watch as history is shaded and watered down yet again
Who better than one of the greatest historians of Black History of our time, Lerone Bennet, to give you the bottom line truth about Lincoln and slavery.
The Final Call sheds more light on this lie of Abraham Lincoln wanting to free the slaves.
Lincoln, lies and Black folk
The truth about the Great Emancipator and why the movie isn't worth
your time
( - Steven Spielberg is the master of American propaganda, and
there is no one since the notorious director D.W. Griffith who has more
successfully exported to the world a utopian vision of America as a
Caucasian paradise. And while his White characters—from Jaws to ET to
Amistad—show a range of virtues, his Black characters have been limited to
cardboard portrayals of simplistic and racially clichéd stereotypes.
This is the inescapable context with which one must approach Spielberg's Lincoln, a film that is
no more accurate in its depiction of a critical period in history than George
Bush was about the so-called weapons-of-mass-destruction lie that brought a
world of nations to endless war.
Click here for the rest of this Final Call report.
If you want to hear a detailed analysis about truth of Abraham Lincoln and slavery by historian Lerone Bennett, author of the Lincoln book "Forced Into Glory" listen to the below presentation given at Cornel University. He details all the lies we have been brain washed into believing and the real facts that have been hidden from all of us. Fast forward the video to 10 minutes in to hear this powerful presentation. ONLY LISTEN IF YOU REALLY WANT THE TRUTH ABOUT LINCOLN.
For smoother viewing click start then hit stop allowing the red line to fill to the far right.
In 2000 Lerone Bennett appeared on C-SPAN to expalin in deail why Lincoln, who really wanted to deport all black people to create an all white America, was not the great emancipator as we are told but instead was Forced Into Glory. Click Here.
Thank you for the truth. When I saw Frederick Douglass' grave at Mt. Hope Cemetery in Rochester I cried and thanked Our Lord in prayer for such a great man. I am a Euro-American and have read enough to truly appreciate his brilliance in composition, finesse in human dealings, and analysis of the righteous way to equality. I am not surprised that Spielberg and the supposed Left (Socialists) of Hollywood are once again historical revisionists and find their heroes in wrong places with blurred facts and commercially convenient realities.
Posted by: Laurence Hatch | February 26, 2013 at 11:20 PM