All America's children are falsely taught that Columbus discovered America. He is said to have brought the first picture of a white Jesus Christ in the morning on this day in 1492 when he stepped from his command post on the Santa Maria into a tiny boat. A few yards from the shore, he plunged into the shallow water and went ashore on a tiny island of the Bahamian archipelago and wept tears of joy. He lifted his head toward Heaven and cried out in thanksgiving to God in the words of the traditional dawn-watch canticle: "Blessed be the light of day, and the Holy Cross we say; and the Lord of Verity, and the Holy Trinity. Blessed be the light of day, and He who sends the dark away."
Christopher Columbus had a mystic belief that God intended him to sail the Atlantic Ocean in order to spread Christianity. He is said to have prayed several times daily. Columbus wrote what he called a Book of Prophecies, which is a compilation of passages Columbus selected from the Bible which he believed were pertinent to his mission of discovery. What a person believes is what determines his interpretation of life and history and inspires his vision and purpose in life. Columbus's own writings prove that he believed that God revealed His plan for the world in the Bible, the infallible Word of God. Columbus believed that he was doing God’s will staked out for his life when he sailed west across the Atlantic Ocean.
It is from these inauspicious beginnings that began the spread of the image of a white Jesus throughout what was defined by Columbus and his followers as the New World. But what if Columbus had actually told the truth about Jesus Christ and what he really looked like since this coverup began during the time of the Roman Emperor Constantine around 307 AD, when the white washing of Jesus and his disciples began. (Listen to proof on the last video on this page)
(Click Here To See Where This Fales Image Came From)
What if black and white preachers today had the courage to tell the biblical, historical and scientific truth? If you are truly seeking and aren’t afraid of the truth let me introduce you to 4 videos from a country pastor who has the courage to speak the truth.
What Color Was Jesus? Pastor Dowell Tells Of A Secret Section That Was Taken Out Of The King James Version Of The Bible.
For smoother viewing, hit start then hit stop allowing each video to fill to the far right.
What Color Was Jesus 2
Past or Dowell explains that today’s Egyptians
Don’t look the same. He tell’s who the Ancient Hebrews
Israelites, what they looked like and who they are today.
What Color Was Jesus 3..
Past or Dowell biblically explains that today’s Egyptians don’t look the same. He shows you pictures of who the Ancient Hebrews are and what they looked like.
Jesus Was A Black Man 4...Do You Still Love Him? Can He Still Save You? Learn What Was Taken Out Of The King James Version Of The Bible To Cover Up This Lie. Pastor Dowell Further Proves Biblically That Jesus, Mary and Joseph Were Black.
James from the UK Has The Courage To Come Forth To Provide Further Documentation to Support This Black Jesus Truth.
The Real Question Is...Do You Still Love Jesus Now That You Know The Truth? Ask Your Preacher, Black Or White, Why He Or She Won't Speak To This Truth As a Major Step Toward Helping Heal Racism Across This Country and World?
Click Here To See How Jesus AndThe Hebrews Became White.
In the below video, look closely at what early Christians looked like.
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