Black Jesus is searched for online thousands of times per day. Is Jesus Black if you apply the 1% drop of Black blood rule? Why does Jesus continue to be portrayed as white, blond and blue eyed, when there is scientific, biblical and geographic proof that he was a man, Bible - Revelation 1:14 says, the color of brass with woolly hair? Why do so many people refuse to acknowledge this truth? What does this cover up have to do with the problems of race and skin color throughout the world and especially in America, UK, South Africa, Australia, Brazil, Mexico, India, Asia, Nigeria and Cuba? Let us talk honestly. We can all debate the various shades of color that Jesus could have been. But despite the white image of Jesus that's been falsely promoted globally for centuries, Jesus, also know as Yeshua, was not white. "Black Jesus" is searched for over 950,000 times a month, so clearly others are seeking the truth. Help spread this conversation world wide, by following BlackJesuscom on Twitter. If you seek and are not afraid of the truth, lets also share info affecting people of African decent globally, on a daily basis. Since human life began in Africa, then all of humanity is of African decent. We welcome intelligent observations and opinions from all races. The internet is the modern day drum, that can send out unfiltered messages globally, but you must be willing and ready to hear. Click on the 'Proof BlackJesus" link at the upper right to discover the Black Jesus facts and find out what motivated me to launch this blog. Thanks and peace to all of God's people. Remember, God/Yahweh/Allah is always watching and God's Heaven is not segregated based on skin color and income. Acknowledging This Truth Will Set Us Free!
Despite biblical and scientific proof that Jesus was a dark skin man of color, during Christmas and Easter annually major magazines, newspapers and media outlets like CNN come forth with their specials like After Jesus to intentionally reinforce the false image of a white Jesus Christ. I ask the question "Why?" Why do they continue to perpetuate this lie? For those who say, "Why does it matter? " I say, the truth always matters. It must matter to someone for this lie to continue.
( - What color was Jesus? Most American Christians-Black and White-would dismiss this question as both irrelevant and unanswerable as the Gospels fail to give us a physical description.
The irony is that most of these same Americans in their heart of hearts are pretty confident any way that they know what color Jesus was. They attend churches with images of a tall, long haired, full bearded White man depicted in stained glass windows or painted on walls, and they return home to the same depictions framed in their living room or illustrating their family Bibles.
Further compounding the irony is the fact that America actually has an obsession with the (presumed) color of Christ and has exported her White Americanized Savior around the world. In fact, the world's most popular and recognizable image of Christ is a distinctly 19th-20th century American creation.
For those of you white or black who can get beyond the media lies and are seeking the truth, Minister Louis Farrakhan explains why this "white Jesus" lie is so important in maintaining white supremacy throughout the world especially at Christmas.
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Which Is the Real Jesus And Why The Truth Always Matters!
The ignorant and deceitful will tell you that Jews are all white and Jesus was a Jew and therefore Jesus could not have been dark skin with wooly hair as he is described in the bible and as scientist today have concluded. But if we agree that Jesus was from Palestine, lets listen to what today’s Black Palestinians are subjected to to maintain this lie.
Black Palestinians In Israel
Who Are The Real Original Hebrews?
So If Jesus Christ Was A Man Of Color And The King Of The Jews, Then Who Are The Jews We See In Israel Today?
Its also important for Jesus to be seen as white for America to justify its continued undying financial and military support for Israel. The Truth Will Set Us All Free.
The below article, written by two white reporters, recently appeared in The Huffington Post Religion section.
It gives clear insight as to why we repeatedly heard about all the ominous woes
of Reverend Wright during the previous Presidential Election yet we
have heard nothing about the "White Jesus" foundation of the Romney's Mormon
Religion. It all revolves around this Mormon statue of white Jesus called Christus.
Why No One Cares About the White Jesus of Mitt Romney's Mormonism
During the middle of the Civil Rights movement, Mormons placed an
11-foot-tall white Jesus with an exposed powerful chest at the center of
Salt Lake City. Christus, as he was originally called, was raised in
1966, but he was based upon an old Danish statue from 1821. Since '66,
Christus has become a staple of Mormon iconography placed primarily in
"welcome centers" all throughout the nation. He became even more
poignant of a symbol after 1978, the year Mormon leadership lifted its
bans on people of color from the priesthood. Blacks, Pacific Islanders
and others were technically welcome in the church, but they first had to
pass by the powerful white Christus.
Discover The Earliest Foundation Of The Mormon's Religious Views On Blacks
Black men of African descent were prohibited from a whole host of basic LDS activities and rituals, which require achievement of the church's highest degree of salvation. One such ritual is having a marriage performed in the church. Indeed, black men were second-class worshipers. In 1849 church president Brigham Young said, "The Lord had cursed Cain's seed with blackness and prohibited them the priesthood." Later, in 1852, Young concluded, "Any man having one drop of the seed of [Cain] ... in him cannot hold the priesthood and if no other prophet ever spoke it before, I will say it now in the name of Jesus Christ, I know it is true and others know it." According to Young, the seed of Cain produced people with black skin and flat noses. So began 126 years of discrimination by the LDS church against black men and their families.
How Some Racists Mormons Viewed Blacks
In 1964 both houses of Congress passed the Civil Rights Act, which President Lyndon Johnson signed into law. The act ended formal discrimination against African Americans. Nevertheless, the Mormon church continued formally preventing black men from joining the priesthood for an additional 14 years, despite the fact that in this particular faith tradition, joining the priesthood is a basic achievement that most male members attain.
Mitt Romney On Mormon Racism
Romney Lied, He Never Marched With Martin Luther King
Romney has since walked back his statements, suggesting that when he said he "saw" his father march with King he meant it as a "figure of speech."
Romney and his wife proudly boast about giving 10% of their annual income to the Mormon Church. Businessweek published a recent article detailing how Romey's donation are used to increase the vast holdings of the Mormon Church.
In an open letter, the Rev. Otis Moss III urges African-Americans not to stay home in November or pull support for Obama because of his support for gay marriage—because the Constitution protects everyone and the civil-rights struggle demands they vote.
Here is Moss’s letter:
My Brother:
Tell your brethren who are part of your ministerial coalition to “live their faith and not legislate their faith” for the Constitution is designed to protect the rights of all. We must learn to be more than a one-issue community and seek the beloved community where we may not all agree, but we all recognize the fingerprint of the Divine upon all of humanity. There is no doubt people who are same-gender-loving who occupy prominent places in the body of Christ. For the clergy to hide from true dialogue with quick dismissive claims devised from poor biblical scholarship is as sinful as unthoughtful acceptance of a theological position. When we make biblical claims without sound interpretation we run the risk of adopting a doctrinal position of deep conviction but devoid of love.
Deep faith may resonate in our position, but it is the ethic of love that forces us to prayerfully reexamine our position. The question I believe we should pose to our congregations is, “Should all Americans have the same civil rights?” This is a radically different question than the one you raised with the ministers, “Does the church have the right to perform or not perform certain religious rites.” There is difference between rights and rites. We should never misconstrue rights designed to protect diverse individuals in a pluralistic society versus religious rites designed by faith communities to communicate a theological or doctrinal perspective.
These two questions are answered in two fundamentally different arenas. One is answered in the arena of civic debate where the Constitution is the document of authority. The other is answered in the realm of ecclesiastical councils where theology, conscience and biblical mandates are the guiding ethos. I do not believe ecclesiastical councils are equipped to shape civic legislation nor are civic representatives equipped to shape religious rituals and doctrine. The institution of marriage is not under attack as a result of the President’s words. Marriage was under attack years ago by men who viewed women as property and children as trophies of sexual prowess. Marriage is under attack by low wages, high incarceration, unfair tax policy, unemployment, and lack of education.
Marriage is under attack by clergy who proclaim monogamy yet think nothing of stepping outside the bonds of marriage to have multiple affairs with “preaching groupies.” Same-gender couples did not cause the high divorce rate, but our adolescent views of relationships and our inability as a community to come to grips with the ethic of love and commitment did. We still confuse sex with love and romance with commitment. My father, who is a veteran of the civil rights movement and retired pastor, eloquently stated the critical nature of this election when speaking to ministers this past week who claim they will pull support from the President as a result of his position. He stated, “Our Ancestors prayed for 389 years to place a person of color in the White House.
They led over 200 slave revolts, fought in 11 wars, one being a civil war where over 600,000 people died. Our mothers fought and were killed for women’s suffrage, our grandparents were lynched for the civil rights bill of 1964 and the voting rights act of 1965…my father never had the opportunity to vote and I believe it is my sacred duty to pull the lever for every member of my family who was denied the right to vote. I will not allow narrow-minded ministers or regressive politicians the satisfaction of keeping me from my sacred right to vote to shape the future for my grandchildren.” “The institution of marriage is not under attack as a result of the President’s words.”
Gay and lesbian citizens did not cause the economic crash, foreclosures, and attack upon health care. Poor underfunded schools were not created because people desire equal protection under the law. We have much work to do as a community, and to claim the President of the United States must hold your theological position is absurd. He is President of the United States of America not the President of the Baptist convention or Bishop of the Sanctified or Holiness Church. He is called to protect the rights of Jew and Gentile, male and female, young and old, Gay and straight, black and white, Atheist and Agnostic. It should be noted the President offered no legislation, or executive order, or present an argument before the Supreme Court. He simply stated his personal conviction.
If we dare steal away from the noise of this debate, we will realize as a church we are called to “Do justice, live mercy and walk humbly with God.” Gay people have never been the enemy; and when we use rhetoric to suggest they are the source of our problems we lie on God and cause tears to flow from the eyes of Christ. I am not asking you to change your position, but I am stating we must stay in dialogue and not allow our own personal emotional prejudices or doctrines to prevent us from seeing the possibilities of a beloved community.
Rev. Dr. Otis Moss, III encourages his congregation to vote.
November is fast approaching, and the spirits of Ella Baker, Septima Clarke, Fannie Lou Hammer, Rosa Parks, A. Phillip Randolph, James Orange, Medgar Evers and Martin Luther, King Jr. stand in the balcony of heaven raising the question, “Will you do justice, live mercy and walk humbly with our God?” Emmitt Till and the four little girls who were assassinated in Alabama during worship did not die for a Sunday sermonic sound bite to show disdain for one group of God’s people. They were killed by an evil act enacted by men who believed in doctrine over love. We serve in ministry this day because of a man who believed in love over doctrine and died on a hill called Calvary in a dusty Palestinian community 2,000 years ago.
Do not let the rhetoric of this debate keep you from the polls, my friend.
Asking you to imagine a beloved community, your brother and friend,
All America's children are falsely taught that Columbus discovered America. He is said to have brought the first picture of a white Jesus Christ in the morning on this day in 1492 when he stepped from his command post on the Santa Maria into a tiny boat. A few yards from the shore, he plunged into the shallow water and went ashore on a tiny island of the Bahamian archipelago and wept tears of joy. He lifted his head toward Heaven and cried out in thanksgiving to God in the words of the traditional dawn-watch canticle: "Blessed be the light of day, and the Holy Cross we say; and the Lord of Verity, and the Holy Trinity. Blessed be the light of day, and He who sends the dark away."
Christopher Columbus had a mystic belief that God intended him to sail the Atlantic Ocean in order to spread Christianity. He is said to have prayed several times daily. Columbus wrote what he called a Book of Prophecies, which is a compilation of passages Columbus selected from the Bible which he believed were pertinent to his mission of discovery. What a person believes is what determines his interpretation of life and history and inspires his vision and purpose in life. Columbus's own writings prove that he believed that God revealed His plan for the world in the Bible, the infallible Word of God. Columbus believed that he was doing God’s will staked out for his life when he sailed west across the Atlantic Ocean.
It is from these inauspicious beginnings that began the spread of the image of a white Jesus throughout what was defined by Columbus and his followers as the New World. But what if Columbus had actually told the truth about Jesus Christ and what he really looked like since this coverup began during the time of the Roman Emperor Constantine around 307 AD, when the white washing of Jesus and his disciples began. (Listen to proof on the last video on this page)
What if black and white preachers today had the courage to tell the biblical, historical and scientific truth? If you are truly seeking and aren’t afraid of the truth let me introduce you to 4 videos from a country pastor who has the courage to speak the truth.
What Color Was Jesus? Pastor Dowell Tells Of A Secret Section That Was Taken Out Of The King James Version Of The Bible.
For smoother viewing, hit start then hit stop allowing each video to fill to the far right.
What Color Was Jesus 2
Past or Dowell explains that today’s Egyptians
Don’t look the same. He tell’s who the Ancient Hebrews
Israelites, what they looked like and who they are today.
What Color Was Jesus 3..
Past or Dowell biblically explains that today’s Egyptians don’t look the same. He shows you pictures of who the Ancient Hebrews are and what they looked like.
Jesus Was A Black Man 4...Do You Still Love Him? Can He Still Save You? Learn What Was Taken Out Of The King James Version Of The Bible To Cover Up This Lie. Pastor Dowell Further Proves Biblically That Jesus, Mary and Joseph Were Black.
James from the UK Has The Courage To Come Forth To Provide Further Documentation to Support This Black Jesus Truth.
The Real Question Is...Do You Still Love Jesus Now That You Know The Truth? Ask Your Preacher, Black Or White, Why He Or She Won't Speak To This Truth As a Major Step Toward Helping Heal Racism Across This Country and World?
Ham is the Father of the Black Race and Egypt is called the land of Ham.
Ham's son name was Egypt, Mizraim in Hebrew. Egyptologist ignore Ham's
existance due to the fact it validates the story of Noah and his Ark.
Jews were enslaved by these Hamites known as ancient Egyptians for over
400 years. Find the real meaning of Ham's name. Was the curse of Ham real?
Why The white Jesus Coverup Was Created And Is Sustained Today?
Who are The Descendants Of Ham? What Is Jesus True Lineage? Where Do The Jews Really Come From? This Is The Information that most of white Christianity intentionally excludes.
If you can put aside any racial bias you may have then just watch and listen. The facts will speak to you, no matter what color you are. The TRUTH will set us all FREE.
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Just as Hollywood has repeatedly white washed the story of Jesus, they have done it again with the movie Noah.
The Truth Continues to be hidden behind closed doors.
Noah the Movie: Where Are All The Black People?
Ham the most Maligned Man in History
Although the movie Noah was not accurate according to the Bible, it was surprisingly a decent movie. In fact the movie with its special effects and unscriptural rock creatures had more drama than the story of Scripture. In the movie, Noah believed that all mankind was to be annihilated with the natural deaths of his family. Only one woman for one of his sons was saved through the flood, and she was barren. However, those familiar with the story of Noah focused on the second most powerful person in movie; Ham.
The 2014 film named Noah debuted starring Russell Crowe as the Ark builder. The film displays Eurocentrism’s replacement theology so subtly that astute Bible students did not comprehend the intended lesson. As expected, the family of Noah was an all white cast. Each of his three sons was especially concerned about finding a wife to take aboard the Ark. Only Japheth, however, the future father of Caucasians was allowed to bring a wife aboard the Ark. His brothers Shem and Ham, unlike the Bible’s story, did not bring wives aboard and no other women survived the Flood. Shem and Ham needed wives to continue the human race, so the movie writers had the father of the Caucasians’ wife give birth to twin girls, and these twin daughters of Japheth became the wife of Ham the father of the Black race and the wife of Shem father of the Semitic people in the fictitious movie.
The lesson communicated teaches that the father of the Caucasians is after Adam the true father of humanity since Japheth’s genes that flowed through his daughters mixed incestuously with that of his brothers Shem and Ham since they married their Caucasoid nieces according to the film. This movie’s theology, teaches three things. First, that the human race springs from the seed of the White race’s founding father, Japheth. Second, the fictitious film shows Japheth was essential in keeping the human race from extinction. Third, the film implies that ultimately black people came from Japheth through his twin daughters, when modern science has proven that whites descended from blacks. Yet, when white children ask their parents the question, “Where did black people come from?” Their parents do not reply, “Honey, the question is not where did black people came from, the answer is “We came from black people”. Scientifically it is understood that Noah and his wife could not have been Caucasian. Because Caucasians cannot, according to science, give birth to people of color and this world has people that are red, yellow, black, and brown. This brings up the question, “What color were Noah and his wife and their sons and their wives?”
A good question is “What color were Noah and his wife, their sons, and their wives?” The answer lies in the book of Genesis. After God placed Adam and Eve in the garden, the Scripture states “they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed” (Gen 2:25). In order for the nude couple to survive in equatorial Pangaea-Africa their skin contained melanin, nature’s natural sun block through skin pigmentation. Recall that the man created in God’s image was given a name reflective of his skin color. Later, God called the man’s wife by the same name as her husband. Genesis 5:2 states that God “called their name Adam” which at its root indicates red man. The first chapter in Genesis constantly affirms that everything produced after its own kind. Therefore, we conclude that before the Flood, Adam’s offspring including Noah, his three sons, and their wives bore the color of the red complexioned couple called Adam.
While Hollywood produces documentaries of explorers attempting to find the 5,000 year old scraps of Noah’s Ark, the Ark’s only occupant that left verifiable evidence that the Ark actually existed was Noah’s second son, Ham, father of the Negroid race. Ham was the only passenger in this legendary Ark to make a certifiable name for himself that has not been relegated to lore or legend like the Ark he helped build. This father of the Black race is given a legacy by Moses as having founded “the land of Ham”. (Ps 105:23, Heb 11:24). In Psalms 105:27 and 106:22, after Moses had finished pretending to be an African prince in this North African country, he documented ancient Egypt as “the land of Ham” where the Hebrews found themselves enslaved. There was neither a “land of Shem” nor a “land of Japheth” or Noah for that matter. The legacy Ham left was the land that bore his name, “the land of Ham”, ancient Egypt.
Many pastors enjoy quoting, “as it was in the days of Noah so shall it be at the coming of the Son of Man [Jesus Christ]” (Matt 24:37). The days of Noah are chiefly known for radical climate change. The atmospheric conditions in the pre-Flood world that the red antediluvians (pre-Flood people) enjoyed differed from the climate after the Great Flood. After the Flood of Noah changed earth’s atmosphere, the changes in skin color began to be reported in Scripture with Ham naming his son Cush which means black, and his second son name is Mizraim and it means “soil red”. Hence, it is self-evident that Ham, the father of the black race carried the dominant gene for skin pigmentation. For more information of this intriguing subject order “The Complete Works of Blacks in the Bible: History’s Stolen Legacy” Vol. I-IV by James Warden. It debutes this week with 440 pages, illustrated, and contains genealogical charts only $19.99 at
Pope Francis washes and kisses the feet of Muslim, Hindu and Christian refugees
Concerned by the spread of US & global racism and religious intolerance, Pope Francis is intentionally sending a visual message to those who call themselves Christians and claim to be followers of Jesus Christ.
Why Is Sunday The Most Segregated Day of The Week? Why Are People Demonstrating In The Streets Against Racism and Police Brutality of Unarmed Black People? Those who Call Themselves Christians Need To Listen....But before you do, there is an important fact to acknowledge. Caucasians, who only comprise about 10% of the world's population but possess most of world's wealth, were once Black. 90% of the world's population are people of color. Click Here.
In the face of "I Can't Breathe" "Black Lives Matter" demonstrations across America by all nationalities who are outraged at the wave of police brutality, shootings and killings of unarmed Black men, this interview gives perspective on the connection of these killings, mob lynchings and castrations of Black men post reconstruction and the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ and a false image of a white Jesus being at the root of racism and white supremacy.
Why was Jesus changed from Black To White despite biblical, scientific and geographic proof to the contrary? Click Here.
If Mother Mary was black as seen in statues all across Europe, then what does that mean for Jesus? Listen carefully to what's said by Rev. Dr. Jacqui Lewis and Rev. Dr. Serene Jones who spoke on the MHPShow about the importance of love, faith and connection in healing the fault lines of race in America. Click Here To Hear The Truth About Jesus From These Two Ministers 4 minutes in.
Melissa Harris Perry just made reference to Theologian John Cone, who explains below the connection between Jesus' Crucifixion, lynchings , and the poor today. Listen to why he thinks black and white Christians interpret the scriptures so differently. Maybe this explains why Sunday continues to be the most segregated day of the week.
My Name is Charles Johnson. I grew up in Harlem during the 60's. I went to Catholic grammar school at Saint Mark's on 138th and Lenox Avenue which was run by the Sisters of The Blessed Sacrament. My mom had me baptized a Catholic when I was 9 because tuition was cheaper for Catholics. All students were required to go to church every Sunday. The sisters were very dedicated in their efforts to give inner city kids the best education possible. If they had any racist tendencies, I never saw or experienced it. But I also had two African America teachers, Mrs. Norcross in the 3rd grade and Mrs. Williams in the 5th. They taught me the importance of being proud of my history and why its necessary to stand up for truth. That's the reason for this blog. The power of the internet makes this conversation possible. Publications, TV and radio both black and white that depend on ad dollars, would never tackle this controversial subject because of white denial, coverup and backlash.
In the Book of Daniel, it says the hair of the Messiah’s head would be “like the pure wool” of a lamb and the Book of Revelation likens the prophetic Jesus’ feet to “fine brass, as if burned in a furnace.”
Song of Solomon, chapter 1 verses 5 and 6 reads (King James Version)
Look not upon me, because I am black, because the sun hath looked upon me: my mother’s children were angry with me; they made me the keeper of the vineyards; but mine own vineyard have I not kept. Read here about the importance of the white Jesus lie in perpetuating global white supremacy (ClickHere)
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The Simple Truth...
Malcolm X wrote about white supremacists and slaveholders using Christianity to justify their “moral” and “racial superiority” over Blacks. In Malcolm’s own words, “The Holy Bible in the white man’s hands and its interpretations of it have been the greatest single ideological weapon for enslaving millions of non-white human beings.” Throughout history, whether it was in Jerusalem, Spain, India, Brazil or Africa, so-called white “Christians” cultivated a twisted interpretation of religion that was compatible with their colonialist agenda. And racism was a key component of their atrocities.
For centuries, in an effort to demonize and demean Black people, and create fear in whites, Satan has been portrayed with black skin. (Click Here To See)
Franklin Graham Is An Example Of The Kind Of hypocritical white Christians Malcolm X Described.
Black is a place for exploring the truth about what Jesus truly looked like and why the denial and cover up of this truth negatively effects people of color all over the world, but especially where ever white Christianity has ever existed any where in the world. If you are new to this site and want to continue to believe in the lie that Jesus Christ was white, blond and blue eyed, please don't bother to post any bigoted remarks. They will be immediately deleted. It is your right to believe what ever you choose. But if you feel it is important to finally know the truth, and why its been hidden, then we welcome your comments on this and any other subjects we will cover.
But Listen To The Hatred That Has Been Directed At Her For Revealing The Truth. White anthropologists have confirmed that at the beginning, all of humanity was Black. Click here to see.
As a child, I often wondered why I saw no Black Angels or Saints in the pictures of St. Mark's Church. I wondered, don't Black people go to heaven? Is there a black heaven and a white heaven? But in high school at Cardinal Hayes in the Bronx in 1970, I began to raise this question in my religion class. My religion teacher, Father John Mitchel became enraged when I said there was no way Jesus Christ could have been white, based on where Palestine, Jesus birth place is located next to Egypt and how sun exposed people looked during that time period. Rather than engaging me in a conversation and opening it up for class discussion, he became very angry, calling me blasphemous and demanded that I leave his class. Over the next 3 years this happened not once, but three times.
Ironically, it was a white priest by the name of Father John Meehan, who came to my defense on several occassions to lobby on my behalf on the side of truth, against his fellow priests who refused to consider the facts. He also became, in many ways, the father figure I never had. To this day, he is still a dear friend.
"Where did Joseph and Mary take Jesus to escape as they sought to hide from Herod?" They went to a place where they could blend in and not stand out: Egypt, known for its people of color."
Why are so many people afraid of the truth? What is this fear of dark skin and where does it come from? Why does this fear appear to be pervasive all over the world where white, brown and dark skin people try to coexist. As the originator of this blog, I want to explore the issue of race in the US and around the world that appear in the news, in sports, health care, and in every day life world wide. I invite all open minded people to post their ideas.
When you close your eyes, what does he look like? Most white people see Jesus and God as white and this empowers them. Some Caucasians falsely believe their supposed racial superiority starts here. For some brain washed blacks who have grown up seeing pictures of white Jesus in their church, their image is the same, because they wonder 'If Jesus really did look like me, and he was the son of God, then why have darker people suffered so much through out history. Further, a lack or distorted history taught in the schools has led them to believe, like most whites, that Black people have accomplished nothing. Harriet Tubman, who led hundreds of slaves to freedom by way of the Undergound Railroad said she could have freed many more if they had just believed they should be free. This untrue Caucasian image of Jesus keeps all of us enslaved in a lie.
Red Fox and Good Times The Sitcom Explain This False Image In A Very Humorous Way As Well As Other Lies Are Addressed On This Video
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Imagine how differently black and white people would view themselves and the world around us if we all embraced this truth.
It is my hope that by presenting the biblical and scientific facts about Jesus, we will bring the truth to the surface and shed more light on how ridiculous and harmful racism really is. I have been asked, Why does it matter what color Jesus Christ was? If it doesn't matter, why has the truth been hidden. Why does this false image of a white Jesus Christ appear annually in Newsweek, Time magazine and network TV specials like CNN's After Jesus and The History Channels "The Bible."
I don't expect most whites to change their mind despite the facts. But I do believe that unless Black and Brown people throughout the world, who believe in Christianity demand this truth, we will never fully embrace our obligation to live life to its fullest as equal human beings and followers of Jesus Christ. It is up to us to change the false belief by some, that they are the superior race and this world was made for them by their God and that people of color are just taking up space.
White people only make up 10% of the world's population. The rest of the humanity consists of people of color, yet this Caucasian image of supposed superior intelligence and beauty is the imposed standard that the rest of non-white humanity is judged and excluded by especially in societies where Caucasians make and control the economic and social barriers to upward mobility.
If Black and White people world wide really want positive change, it must start with how we deal with this Jesus truth. What do you think....P.S. Please listen to these 6 videos that reveal the biblical and scientific proof titled "Listen To the Biblical Proof."
And They Say The Color Of Jesus Doesn't Matter ...Click Here.
While Santa is a made up, fictitious character who can be white, Jesus was not. Despite the biblical, scientific and geographic proof, for most white people, implausible denial and racism, Jesus must be white. Listen carefully to why white Jesus has been spread throughout the world, especially in countries like Brazil and Cuba where the majority of the population is Black.
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